Dynamic speaker, educator, author, health coach and down-to-earth successful businesswoman Anna Frank reveals the keys to defeating the Inner Bully that controls your mind and keeps you from realizing your dreams.

Stop Bullying Yourself! is more than a self-help book. It about your personal growth, layered with information to help you in all aspects of life including your finances, your career, your relationships, depression, even weight loss to improve your happiness and success and leave your family and friends, wondering how you’ve become so happy, energized, and determined!
It’s refreshing, to-the-point, wholistic approach (yes, that’s wholistic with a “w”) will inspire and energize you to live your best life and show you how. Stop Bullying Yourself! cuts through the hocus pocus and gives real-life practices and methods that will lead you to live a happy – whole life. With every chapter, Anna takes you on a positive joy ride leading to your own transformation, helping you create the happiness in your relationships, career, finances and the all-around success you so desire.
As a former stressed out, broke, negative Nelly herself, Anna delivers the good nuggets minus the fluff, giving you full control of your life so you too will start kicking some butt. You’ll Stop Bullying Yourself! and start to enjoy yourself and all the pleasures around you with an optimistic view of life, no longer allowing your Inner Bully run wild.
Get Ready! Because everything around you will start to shine!
Book Description
Stop Bullying Yourself! (SBY!) is a personal growth, motivational book premised on the given that we all are taunted by a negative inner voice that all too often holds us back in our relationships, our jobs, and other aspects of our life, making the realization of our dreams difficult if not impossible. This challenge impacts us all. We convince ourselves that we are somehow “less” than others. This negative voice is the voice of our Inner Bully. A happy, successful person is one who has learned how to win the battle with their inner bully. Most people desire to live the life they dream, but have never been given the proper tools and training to achieve that and be their happiest-self. SBY! teaches how to rein in the inner bully and live wholistically (Yes, spelt with a “w”) for a life of true happiness and success.
Stop Bullying Yourself! provides a how-to approach with a self-help feel in the field of health and wellness. This book is layered with information to help you in all aspects of life; your finances, weightloss, your career, your relationships, depression, improve your happiness and success. Stop Bullying Yourself!, is a project that truly gets, you, the reader involved in steering your happiness and personal growth using the whole approach to your life. The mission of Stop bullying yourself! is to help improve the health, happiness, and success of others through education, movement, and nutrition.
Anna’s updated book will be available soon. Contact us to pre-order your book. TheEbook will be available on February 6th, 2018 and bookstores will have Stop Bullying Yourself on July 3rd, 2018.