We all know there is a cause-and-effect for just about everything. Sometimes I think we forget that the very medications that are prescribed to us or that are over-the-counter can be doing more than what they claim to “help” and more than what the side effect list states. As a society I would argue we overlook the importance of knowing what meds deplete in our bodies. For example, could a side effect of “restless sleep” really be caused from the medication depleting one’s Magnesium and Vitamin D levels? Could the “loss of energy” a med causes be due to the depletion of B6 and B12? The answer is never cut and dry – yes or no. The answer is that ALL of this matters. We say a medication has “side effects” but truly they are EFFECTS of the medication. It’s not a side effect – it is an effect! I think we label them “side effects” because we want people to believe it’s just a small effect and this labeling allows the user to discount the magnitude of what the medication is truly doing as a whole. I want to share with you the medication effects that can cause nutrient depletion. This information is from a lesson I took from Dr. Amen at Amen University. I wonder if your doctor has ever shared this information with you or is this information listed on the medication information sheet? I found this all very interesting and wanted to share it with my readers because knowledge is power. Plus we all want to feel our best.

Medication Effects and Nutrient Depletions:
Antacids: Decrease HCL, CA2+, phosphorus, Folic acid, K+
Anti-diabetics: CoQ10, B-12 (take sublingually) and always with methyl-folate
Female hormones: Folic acid, Magnesium, B Vitamins, Calcium, Zinc, Selenium, CoQ10
Antihypertensives: B6, CoQ10, Magnesium, Potassium, Zinc
Anti-inflammatory: Calcium, Iron, Zinc, K, B-6, C, D, Folic acid, Potassium
Cholesterol-lowering: CoQ10, Omega-3 fatty acids, Carnitine
Oral contraceptives: B vitamins, Magnesium, Folic acid, Selenium, Zinc, Thyroxine, Serotonin, elevated homocysteine levels
Antibiotics: B vitamins, vitamin K
So, maybe we can boost energy, hormones, and boost our immune systems by supplementing to fix this depletion. Dr. Amen said, there are many girls on oral contraceptives that are also on anxiety medications and he thinks if you fill the voids from these depletions they may just not have as much anxiety.
So what are the possible “Side Effects” of supplements:
-They are less expensive
-Can be effective for mild to moderate problems
-Generally, have increased compliance rate
-Some can have quality control issues (always check if there are added corn oils or soy)
-Have fewer studies because pharmaceutical companies won’t spend the money
-There can be some contraindications (speak with a health coach, nutritionist, registered dietitian or your local pharmacist)
A few supplements that I have added to my life, not due to medication intake, but I am wanting overall better brain function and health are:
-Omega-3 with 60% or higher EPA
-Sublingual Vitamin D3
-Antioxidant support
-Brain Octane Oil
Always give your physician the list of supplements you are taking when they ask for your med list. This is a great time to discuss with them your protocol.