Detoxification: Increased blood circulation stimulates sweat glands releasing built up toxins and waste. The profuse sweating brought on by being in the POD carries off deeply embedded impurities and dead skin cells and brings skin’s own natural nutrients to the surface. Daily sweating detoxifies the body as it rids itself of the accumulation of heavy metals, alcohol, nicotine, sodium, mercury, sulfuric acid and cholesterol.
Lymphatic Massage: As you lie in the POD, FIR helps loosen and relax muscles in conjunction with vibratory massage of the upper and lower body. A stagnant lymphatic system can reduce the body’s ability to cleanse bacteria, viruses and cancer cells. In addition, lymphatic blockage can lead to frequent cold and flu systems, joint pain, headaches, GI issues, acne, cellulite, allergy and food sensitivities, breast disorders, menstrual cramps and moodiness. In summary, the intermingling of these two modalities (FIR and vibratory massage) will facilitate optimal lymphatic flow.
Oxygen Therapy: Oxygen therapy can be delivered by mask or nasal cannula. It can also flow freely through the POD chamber where it mixes with the FIR to enhance its effectiveness. Oxygen serves to temporarily increase the body’s white blood cell (WBC) count. Because WBC’s are the natural antagonist of toxins and infection, the oxygen serves to enhance the immune system by boosting cellular immunity as well as further detoxifying the body.