Quantum Intake Scan/Inital Session



Our biofeedback scaniIdentifies specific frequencies in the human body and has compiled a database of more than 120,000 different frequencies. These frequencies are the same in every person. Every cell and organ in the body have their own distinctive Vibrational Frequency or Oscillation. When these oscillations are disrupted, whether by injury, diet, stress or emotion, it results in a disruption of that biological function. Which when not addressed, can bring about fatigue, depression, illness, disease and even death. Over the past 20 years,

more than 120,000 of these Vibrational Frequencies have been isolated, identified and cataloged. Knowing what the optimum oscillation or frequencies of these cells and organs are, can assist in determining the root cause of an individual’s health status when these frequencies are compared to the individual scanned results.

When initiating a scan:

  • Specific frequencies for the item being scanned are introduced to the brain;
  • The brain then responds with what that item is actually resonating at;
  • The introduced frequencies are then compared to the actual frequencies;
  • A numerical value is then determined;
  • The numerical values range from 1-9, with 5 indicating that the item is in balance;
  • The lower Numbers, 4-1 generally indicate an underactive or lethargic condition;
  • The higher numbers, 6-9 generally indicate an overactive or stressed condition.
  • These signals are then converted into algorithms within the AO Scan system,
    compared to an extensive database, and then are graphically displayed.
  • Every cell and organ in the body has its own distinctive Vibrational Frequency or Oscillation. When these oscillations are disrupted, whether by injury, diet, stress or emotion, it results in a disruption of that biological function. Which when not addressed, can bring about fatigue, depression, illness, disease and even death. Over the past 20 years, more than 120,000 of these Vibrational Frequencies have been isolated, identified and cataloged. Knowing what the optimum oscillation or frequencies of these cells and organs are, can assist in determining the root cause of an individual’s health status when these frequencies are compared to the individual scanned results.

  • The Quantum Biofeedback Comprehensive Scan is… Safe Noninvasive.
  • Shows greater detail (unique amongst all non-invasive scanners).
  • Lists the detailed anatomy or components of each item that it scans.
  • An elegant, yet simple method for measuring the health state of the entire body.
  • Can project the health status out 3-5 years (unique amongst all non-invasive scanners).
  • A sophisticated electronic device that is capable of measuring these oscillations or frequencies utilizing the AO Scan Bio-Transduring Headset
  • Detailed visual health status of the organs, systems, and tissue of the body, working similarly to other scanners in principles of measuring electromagnetic signals and subtle bio-frequencies, but the brilliance here is quite literally in the details.

What the Quantum Scan Covers

  • Blood Values
  • Nutritional Deficiencies
  • Human Toxins
  • Food Allergies
  • Enviormental Allergies
  • Amino Acids
  • Blood Lipids
  • Bacteria
  • Parasites
  • Hormone Levels
  • Reproduction Functions
  • Molds
  • Skin Index
  • Bone and Muscle Condition
  • Bone Mineral Density
  • Cardiovascular Health
  • Collagen Index
  • Digestive Acids/Enzymes
  • Endocrine Glands
  • Eye Health
  • Fatty Acids
  • Fungus
  • Gastrointestinal Function
  • Immune System
  • Inflammation/Oxidation
  • Insulin Resistance
  • Viruses
  • Vitamin and Co-enzyme Levels
  • Many More!

What to Expect During Your Session

  • Plan for 2 Hours
  • Dress Comfortable
  • Be Hydrated
  • Be Open
  • In addition to full body analysis scan…
  • Eye, Nail, Tongue, and Face reading
  • Muscle response testing
  • Energy field testing
  • Mindset and Emotional blockages
  • Receive a complimentary service
  • You will receive a full frequency report emailed to you upon completion of intake.
  • A written customized action plan will be provided for you.
  • You will get special pricing on center’s services after completing your intake.
  • This can be an emotional experience.

    Benefits of the Quantum Scan
  • Provides a detailed visual health status of the organs, systems, and tissues of the body.
  • Provides direction on what nutrition you need.
  • Lists the detailed anatomy and components of each area that is scanned.
  • Can project the health status out 3-5 years.