Anna Marie is a doctor of Traditional Naturopathy, brain health professional, ICF certified coach, certified master herbalist, and lover of life! She is also an author, speaker, employee wellness consultant, and mindset/Quantum Body Energy Coding coach.
Her mission is to end mental health stigmas and help all people upgrade their brains and biology through lifestyle choices while rewiring their neuro pathways using holistic modalities. Anna Marie healed her own brain after years of depression and challenges with dyslexia and ADD. She is the creator and owner of Happy Whole You. A brain health-focused wellness center located in Bakersfield, California, and Raleigh, North Carolina.
Anna Marie is also the formulator of her own brain nutraceutical line which includes, “Happy You, Calm You, & Bright You.” And she is the author of the self-improvement book, “Stop Bullying Yourself!” a guide to greater health, wealth, happiness, and success.
Additionally, Anna Marie has training from the Gerson Institute, Amen clinics, Integrative nutrition institute, Mindvalley, the National Wellness Institute, WELCOA Wellness Council of America, and more. She is a life long learner and continues to expand in the field of wellbeing.